We have FINALLY done something with the front of our house. By which I mean landscaping. On Thursday the hubs and I shoveled, mulched, planted and watered. And here are a few pictures of the end results. Although there's a lot more to do. For me it never feels like things are really finished. My brain just doesn't work that way I guess. I'll just keep dreaming :)

My awesome antique wheel barrow! I love this thing. We were lucky enough to inherit it with our house! We found it waiting for us in the shed. :) I hope to plant lavendar in it.

I found the picket fence panels at a local antique store. Couldn't help myself!!!

My shrubs look pretty teeny and pitiful right now but we got them CHEAP!! I figure we can wait it out until they mature. We got them at Lowe's. It was their end of the season sale. We got the boxwoods for $0.99 each! None of the plants we got were over $10. What a steal!